AMD0828 Member


  • I have 2 kids under 4 and full time job too - don't have the extra hurdle of school in there too but i can relate to you not wanting to get up any earlier and how night time is crazy. I started with the 30 day shred videos at night after I got the kids down its only 20 minutes. my husband would clean up from dinner and…
  • I found L3 easier for me then Level 2 - I don't know if because i got stronger or just the moves suit me more but I've enjoyed it more then L2!
  • Will anyone be moving to Ripped in 30 after 30DS? I was thinking we could add here or start new thread. I'll be done 30 DS on Saturday, but don't need to start R30 right away if others want to start in the next few weeks.
  • I do 2 days 30DS, 30 min cardio, 2 days 30DS, 30 min cardio + 1 rest day. I started May 31 and 2 days away from finishing level 2 and lost almost 10 lbs in the month. I don't think i could do the 30DS everyday - you muscles will fatigue and then you will lose the benefit because you aren't going as intense. Maybe aim for…
  • I primarily use the treadmill in dead of summer and winter as I don't do well running in extreme conditions. So, I've been using it a lot recently and personally I think the treadmill is great for training as I can incorporate speed intervals and hills easier than I can outside (as well as other HIIT workouts when its…
  • I am on Level 2 -day 2, started June 1. I use following weekly schedule: 2 days 30DS, 3 mile run, 2 days 30DS, 3 mile run, REST. My IIFYM calorie goal with 15% calorie deficit is about 1475. I took measurements after Level 1, will do so after Level 2 and 3 and post all at the end.
  • you can also find the "written" workout for 30 day shred online, basically tells you the cycle of the moves with approx how many reps of each exercise. If your familiar with the program, its very clear.
  • yes that is exactly why HIIT is recommended 2-3x week. You want to give your body some recovery. 2-3 days of steady state cardio mixed in is perfect. C25k is great as has some intervals until you get the cardio strength to run for endurance and IMO i lose the most weight doing intervals
  • Could you modify the IM30 to three days a week and add in 2 running days? I think 5 days of HIIT is a lot, actually unless you are training for something specific.