ntp213 Member


  • It will!! I had gained a lot of weight around my middle and started to think it was probably sugar causing it. I thought I didn't eat very many sweets or drink too much beer, but once I started to log things - you notice it adds up quick. Good news is, I've been on MFP for about a year and I have dramatically reduced my…
  • Hi johnjunior! Sorry, was in Barbados on vacation last week, that didn't help the routine much ;) but I did swim as much as possible! I've been going daily for almost 2 months and "regularly" for over a year. I began replacing breakfast with a green smoothie in mid Jan, but thanks to myfitnesspal and a good friend who is…
  • I should add - I purposely don't do circuits that involve things like squats/pushups/lunges because I don't really need to incorporate strength training into my cardio routine as Bar Method is grueling.
  • hello again! So, I usually do cardio Monday-Friday and some Saturdays, unless I have a Bar Method class scheduled on the weekend. I do Bar Method about 3-4 days per week. Bar Method, like Pure Barre, is basically strength training. I only do cardio 20-30 minutes a day, because I used to be a ridiculous cardio bunny (at the…
  • Hi everyone! Hi Johnathan, thanks for setting up! I just joined today :smile: ... I have been trying to lose weight for a year, eating healthy, working out, but I've only been maintaining. This makes it hard to stay consistent in workouts because it's so demoralizing and depresses me which makes me sleepy. In November, I…