cinnamonsprinkles Member


  • I'm in. Beer and wine are my downfall. I always wonder why I'm not seeing progress on weight loss even though I exercise so much and eat smart during the day. Night falls and out comes the alcohol and bad food choices. I would love to see how much I could actually lose by cutting out alcohol alone plus the bad choices that…
  • Hi I'm Jessica I'm also a sahm but I do not homeschool. I have a 3 yr old boy and 10 month old girl. Struggling to lose the baby weight from my daughter. The weight melted off with my son by the time he was 6 months with my daughter its like my body thinks there is going to be a famine. I only workout at home and go…
  • Hi I'm Jessica, I'm also a stay at home mom with a 3 1/2 year old boy and 10 month old girl. Struggling to lose weight since my daughter. With my son all of the baby weight plus more was gone in the first six months. With my daughter I've barley lost 10 pounds. Looking for friends and support along the way to my better…
  • Oh also I blend mine with a little coffee frother I bought for 20 bucks at bed bath and beyond
  • I make mine with brewed coffee, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp organic heavy whipping cream, and just for flavor I add in 1 tsp vanilla whey protein powder, usually that's breakfast for me.
  • Hi I've been doing keto and jogging for the past 2 weeks and I've lost 7.5 lbs so far. I'd love some new friends doing keto too. Add me for support.
  • Trying to get into ketosis again but struggling. Yoyo_fitness what is the bulletproof diet?
  • Hi, I'm Jessie. I also just started back up on Herbalife this week. I have been having a hard time getting rid of the excess baby weight. I finally said enough is enough healthy eating and walking, excerise dvds just aren't doing it for me with my second baby. My second baby is now 9 months old and I still weigh as much as…
  • I'm really glad you posted this Miss Seven I just started the keto diet and was wondering about nursing myself because I have an 8 month old baby.
  • Hi! I just started the keto diet about 2 weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds so far. I'm really excited to see the number getting smaller and just feeling better all around. I was really feeling good about myself yesterday because my body finally adjusted and I'm in ketosis now. Woo hoo! Is a pretty easy change of eating…