Maia_78 Member


  • 90 days on my journey and lost 8kg so far and 6 inches off my waist..
  • Thank you guys. Today is my 90th day on this journey and here's an update picture.. I am now down to 59kg from a starting weight of 70kg and lost 6 inches around my waist... I couldn't be more happier even though my scale still tells me I still have a long way to go before I can be on my ideal weight for height.. BMI scale…
  • Thank you everyone.. Sorry took ages to reply.. Lol.. Anyway just put some pics together for comparison and eventhough I still have some lbs to shift I am at a HAPPY WEIGHT right now.. :) Good Luck to all of us.. xxxx ❤️❤️❤️
  • Thank you so much guys.. You're way too kind.. <3
  • Hi. I am new. Only started 10 days ago when I topped the scale at 70kilos at my heaviest.. I am only 4'10 (lol I know!!!) so with a BMI of 32.2, I knew I had to do something.. I cut my calories down to 1200 and have been running for an average of 4 miles everyday for 9 straight days now and I already feel a lot better.. I…