

  • @bregalad5 - That is great! Wouldn't it be nice if they kept all the candy in one place instead of spreading it throughout the store? lol @prof_newme‌ - Thanks again for that link, I went ahead and ordered all 5 books. I think they'll really help boost my nutrition intake! @shirayne - Taking walks is something I am going…
  • @prof_newme‌ Thanks, I will definitely try out that website! I feel like today was a very successful day. Had a double birthday party tonight for myself and my aunt, ate a piece of cake and still came in below my calorie goal for the day :)
  • Hi everyone, I'm new to MFP and looking for some help and motivation in staying positive. I'm hoping this group will help that a bit. I weighed in last week at 243 the morning of my gallbladder surgery. I was heartbroken. I knew I was overweight, but didn't know it was that much. I would like to get down to 150, so I've…
  • I'm hoping this will be a nice motivating jump start to my long journey ahead. Good luck to everyone!