ladyliberty05 Member


  • I busted that myth in 2014 that vegetarians don't gain weight, when I stopped exercising and not watching what I ate. January 2015 I stop the out of control eating, cakes, cookies & bread. Moderations!!!!!!!!!!!! Back on track & the weight gone. SO yes vegetarians are human and can eat the wrong things.
  • Happy New Year, some are calling it the sweet 16. My goal is to maintain good health & weight by continuing my exercise routine of 5 days a week, keeping track of my food intake using MFP app. In addition, stay focus at work start back using my daily commitment chart and Franklin Covey day planner.
  • Happy New Year, some are calling it the sweet 16. My goal is to maintain good health & weight by continuing my exercise routine of 5 days a week, keeping track of my food intake using MFP app. In addition, stay focus at work start back using my daily commitment chart and Franklin Covey day planner.
  • Happy New Year, some are calling it the sweet 16. My goal is to maintain good health & weight by continuing my exercise routine of 5 days a week, keeping track of my food intake using MFP app. In addition, stay focus at work start back using my daily commitment chart and Franklin Covey day planner.
  • 4 years vegetarian, I find a lot of great recipes on