

  • that is great advice, thank you. putting the scale on my counter right now so that I see it and will remember to use it.
  • I own a food scale, but most of my measurements have been using measuring spoons or cups, or guessing. I don't eat meat other than fish so I have a hard time meeting macro for protein. Protein suggestions would be awesome! I love walnuts, avocados, cottage cheese, and quinoa. After I posted this I made a list of meals to…
  • I'm eating 1200 calories a day, and MFP allows for me to eat 55g fat, 82g protein, 204 carbs. I always go over carbs, am about 10g short of protein every day, and go over fat by about 10-20g. I drink about 5 glasses of water per day.
  • thank you, this is great!
  • thanks everyone. I have heard that you can't spot a certain area to lose weight. I guess I just hoped that with my calorie intake of 1200 a day and 30-60 minute workouts everyday of the week, my metabolism would be working harder at burning off fat in the areas I mentioned. I feel good in the sense that I feel strong- my…