mtedards1 Member


  • Same age here. I used to stay the same weight regardless of what I ate but my weight has been increasing over the past year as my poor habits have gotten worse. Any suggestions for combatting sugar cravings? I logged today's foods and although I am 560 kcal short of my calorie total, I went 10 grams over on my sugar and 2…
  • Hello. I want to lose 32 lbs by May 21st, 2019. What occasion is your goal date? I could desperately use some accountability, as well as some will power. Some motivation would be nice, as well. What do you think would help you to take responsibility for your diet and exercise?
  • That illustrates my outlook precisely in that you have entirely different nutrient needs and fitness goals than does another individual but that does not make either of you wrong or lazy or uncommitted. I also think you hit the nail on the head by pointing out what a difference it makes to have the information at your…
  • My husband came home on February 1st from work and announced that he was entering a Body Fat Challenge at work and that he was going to win the district prize and lose 45 pounds. Since that day, he has become a Nutrition Nazi. Initially he researched foods and nutrition and passed on his newly found knowledge to me, asked…
  • I agree with you on the value of My Fitness Pal. For me it has essentially shown me the "big picture" in terms of my daily diet. Although I was aware of the caloric content of carbohydrates vs protein vs fat, I did not have a real grasp as to their individual impact on my health. I know that I have never met a carb I did…
  • I cannot believe how much weight each of you has lost! I don't know how you have the self-discipline. Kudos and admiration to you all!
  • There did not seem to be anything wrong or strange about simply eating - - no calorie counting, no concern for trans fat, no thoughts on whether the food was nutrient-dense, you simply ate it. Now I feel I have to analyze the piece of gum I popped in my mouth after discovering it in the roll-top drawer while cleaning! It's…
  • I wonder if just using the grounds would work because I wouldn't want to waste the beans. I find that if I drink enough coffee, I don't care about cellulite. :)
  • What are mountain climbers?
  • I was just wondering how you have been doing. The last comment by "yoovie" didn't seem especially kind or supportive - - tough love, I suppose. I have barely begun and am having a hard time sticking with it!