narrayya Member


  • Doing great! The weather is supposed to finally cool down a bit, so maybe my apartment wont be so miserable and me so apt to snack away my misery! I also apparently inspired my sister to get her butt back to mfp because I told her my latest weigh in, and I am only about 30lbs heavier than her. As the 'fat sister', I think…
    in Week 5! Comment by narrayya July 2015
  • I've been overweight forever, but I went up a class in obese over the course of a year, so the stretch mark problems are real for me. I have a weird reaction to them though - I do take some steps to reduce their appearance, but I see them becoming more visible as an indicator of my progress. Those things used to be so…
  • Picking up a new exercise routine will definitely do that! I also find my body needs to catch up sometimes when I have a significant loss, which I did a couple weeks ago. Considering how much I have to lose, I don't see that as a bad thing - loose skin is a definite concern. I already have tons of tiger stripes! I moved to…
  • I had a "stall" this week and a bounce back of a pound, but I'm really not worried! I was kind of expecting it, I've been hitting the artificial sweeteners hard (montana treasure flavored water is my weakness, but so much sodium!) and then there was shark week (Not unrelated, I'm sure.) Slowly weaning off them again and…
  • I often find myself thinking 'when I get to my goal' as opposed to 'if I get to my goal', try saying it out loud to someone else who supports your weight loss. It is SURPRISINGLY motivating. My boss is always commenting on and supporting my healthy habits, and during the course of the conversation I told her 'When I get to…
  • I do c25k three times a week (just finished week 3), and have a youtube playlist for dance fitness that I do twice a week. I'm much better at getting workouts in on weekdays because I'm a creature of habit and I just work it into my 'schedule'. I rest on Saturdays and Sundays. I recently started weaving in a workout from…
  • I'm pretty sure some of it is water but I was down 3.3lbs this morning from last week. I stepped up my exercise a bit again so my body is trying to adjust. Still feels good though!
  • I'm very heavy, and I find I have the most success when I focus on my form over my distance. I keep my steps short, close to my body and make sure I'm not coming down too hard, especially on my heels. (I aim for a mid-foot strike) I used to over-extend and I would always quit early during longer intervals because of jelly…
    in C25K! Comment by narrayya June 2015
  • Hellooo! I'm nyruth on reddit. This is actually my second MFP account because I very easily convince myself to slack based on previous progress. I'd see '60lbs lost' and tell myself I deserved that treat. Rather than go back and delete data, I started fresh after I put 20 of those back on in 4 months of binge eating (being…