joannab44 Member


  • Thank you! I agree about the scale, I only use it as a reference, the issue is I know I haven’t lost any weight or inches, my clothes don’t fit better or anything. I just feel like by eating healthy, not over eating and working out 6 days a week I should be seeing results in a shorter time than a month =/ congrats on the…
  • Oh I had no idea it was private! Making it public now, I’m trying to go 1300 tops this week, planned the next few days ahead but I usually do some snacking on top of what I’ve planned which I add as the day progresses
  • The thing is it’s not really a new regimen for me, before I started I was already boxing and doing cardio about three/four times a week. I have a scale that gives me water percentage and it hasn’t been higher than usual, fat percentage hasn’t gone down, nothing has gone down actually. I wasn’t expecting to lose 4lbs but at…
  • So I think to lose I might have to go down but I’m working out 6 days a week and at least burn 100/200 calories per session minimum that’s why I’ve been keeping steady at 1400/1600 I don’t want to starve myself either =\ but maybe I’ll try going down to 1300 for a week and see if it helps!
  • I weigh everything and I’m not counting what I burn at all because I have no idea how many calories I burn when I work out, my daily intake is between 1400-1600 regardless of wether I workout or not =\ I do my best to workout everyday with one day rest (where I end up sleeping poorly because lack of activity lol) because I…
  • Also should mention my current bf is 28% and my goal weight is 120lbs and get my bf down to 21%
  • I read you should be upping your carbs by 10-15g and fats by 1-2g increments every week to avoid gaining weight (slow and steady wins the race right?). If you lose weight, add 20g carbs and 3g fat. Just started reverse dieting myself as of 3 days ago, 5'3 125lbs and I cant seem to stabilize at 118. Ive been eating around…
  • My doctor is not concerned because I had tests done and everything is functioning correctly apart from this (meaning ovaries are fine and no thyroid issues). He is linking my lack of energy to hormones because my hormone levels are low and imbalanced. Not so low that they are cause for concern but low enough that…
  • Hm Im definitely not aiming at being underfat, for my height and my build, 117lbs is a perfect weight, when I'm above that (like now), I show a layer of fat, not saying I am fat but I look like I have a few pounds too many. Will def check into the reverse diet advice. I have had a bunch of blood tests done actually, my doc…
  • hey rabbitjb, right now I'm at 21%. I dont look thin when at 18, I look normal and fit. I'm not in competition, If I were I would probably be aiming at 15%
  • Hi Frankie, thanks for the advice! yes I was actually also thinking my calorie intake might be too low, however, when on vacation (the time I put on weight), my calorie intake varied between 1700-2100 a day, I wasn't working out per se but I was still walking about 11miles a day. I think my maintenance calories are around…
  • nope not pregnant Lucille!
  • You only eat 1200kcals a day? That's your problem right there, you're probably in starvation mode, bump up your calorie intake to at least 1600-1800 and you should drop weight no problem :)