catsmeow_1 Member


  • Just back from my beach trip that was supposed to be motivating... I did not however reach my goal weight. But, trying not to be down on myself about that. Starting fresh and all that! Hoping now that the weather is getting a bit more reliable I can up my outdoor exercise time (I live in canada!) since really I'm a runner…
  • I know how you feel, when I started running I felt like I was slow and that everyone was laughing at me as they bounced past. I realize now how very untrue that was, but it's a tough mental block to get past sometimes. We really are our own worst enemy sometimes... All I can say is, hang in there and push yourself while…
  • I'm hoping to be down 10lbs or so. Ideally I would like to be well on the way to this by my 10th anniversary trip in mid may. It's a beach vacation. I am not ready.... lol