btlinberg Member


  • That's a good thought. Thanks!
  • Thanks, Karlottap for taking it!
  • Yeah it can be difficult to remember foods you eat, especially if longer than in the past few days.
  • Thanks for all the info. Yeah, I've been working with different PT's on and off. I did running in a pool for quite a while but don't have access to a good pool at the moment. Right now my PT has me doing light movements like lying leg lifts at various angles. My knee joints have limited movement - from full extension to…
  • Coconut berry banana: scoop out the meat and water from a young thai coconut (or can of coconut milk) and add with a banana and frozen berries with a little water and sometimes flax
  • One of the toughest things for me is planning meals for the entire week, but I find it really helps with budget when trying to eat clean and cook mostly at home. Also helps to stick to eating only foods in the house and avoid eating a lot of junk that I would be tempted to buy when I'm hungry. We usually plan out a dinner…
  • It's a great way to soothe the digestive tract and help heal inflammation in the gut. If you buy bottled, look for no extra additives except maybe a little lemon juice. Every now and then I take a piece off of my aloe plant and scrape out the gel and eat that. Pretty gooey but so nourishing.
  • Aside from the organic bulk section items, Bubbies pickles and sauerkraut. Great way to get some good probiotic-rich lacto-ferments when I don't want to make them.
  • I know how you feel. I've had autoimmune related inflammatory arthritis mainly in my knees but other joints too since I was 31. Even though the stiffness and swelling it really frustrating I find it helps to do at least some movement every day, even if just going for a short walk. I believe dietary changes helped me the…