I'd consider it.
I don't know. Possibly.
Most likely not.
no, because she's trying to steal my legs.
Depends, how long do I have to wait for boobs?
no because checking statuses daily is a lot of commitment that i'm not willing to make.
no because checking statuses daily is a lot of commitment that i'm not willing to make.
no because I don't believe he actually knows how to use cowbell
they are a monkey.
she just discriminated against me, so no.
looks like he'd be better at being a lumberjack than me. nope.
looks like he's faking a smile. probably not.
looks too tall. nope.
looks too young. nope.
inaccurately judged me. no.
I'd consider it.
no, but I used to have a cat named kiki that was cool.
is easily confused by ink. probably not my cup of tea.
I'm not sure.
probably not.
no. she wants to invade my privacy.
no. but his picture is a vampires wet dream.
no way jose.
I might say yes, but I'd most likely say no.