

  • To the poster & the commenters: Don't necessarily focus on the pounds (I'm sure you've heard this before) - just know that you are doing what you need to be doing - eating healthy & exercising, and that each time you do those things you are one step closer to your goal! It IS a journey, not a destination. Even once you…
  • height 5'4; weight 125-130 (not sure exactly but I'm positive it is in this range); age: 23
  • That food log came out at about 900 calories and was also too low in sugar/fat/carbs/etc., that is why the suggested amount of intake seems too high - because what I ate seems reasonable to me; but also, more generally you aren't always going to hit the suggested amount of calories, etc. every single day - the website…
  • Okay I tried to take a screenshot to upload here but it wont let me so I will just summarize what I ate. My food log from yesterday (the first one I did) was egg whites, vegetarian sausage, salsa, coffee, and creamer for breakfast; Snap peas, kale chips, carrots, and 8oz of water for lunch; a whole box of Amy's organic mac…
  • Well, this is my first time really ever keeping track of food or "logging it" so maybe I'm just not doing it right - but my recommended amount is about 1300 calories for 1/2 pound per week. I logged in everything I ate and will be eating today (for dinner and such) and still haven't hit 1,000 calories - but what I have…