sj911guy Member


  • My pharmacist recommended taking it with dinner. So far It's been working very well for me.
  • Hi, I'm Michael and I live on San Juan Island in the North Puget Sound. Nice to be here.
  • As a hopeless and confirmed bibliophile I have spent countless, wondrous, hours haunting bookstores, new and used, feeding my hunger, my addiction. I moved an ever growing collection of boxes, full of my prizes, everywhere I lived. When my first wife left me, the one thing I made sure to keep was my book collection. While…
  • I recently read a very good space opera, The Expanse series by James S. A. Corey, the pen name of Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. Leviathan Wakes is the first book in the series followed by Caliban's War, Abaddon's Gate and Cibola Burn. Another very good series takes place in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game Universe (long…
  • I'm currently reading The Fiery Cross, book 5 in the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series. My wife and I are hooked on the Starz T.V. series.
  • I was diagnosed in January after my 2nd heart attack. I tried to be in denial about it since the doctor was so casual in my diagnoses but another doctor told me straight up, "You're on Metformin. You have diabetes. There's nothing near or almost about it." Now comes living with it so losing weight and learning to eat…
  • I am looking for positive support and reinforcement. If that's you, then I'm me. :#