Looncove_Farm Member


  • OMG I had birthday cake tonight!!!! It was delicious! And I had some ice cream with it and a slice of pizza to boot. It was my Moms birthday, shes 72, and I was still under my daily calories (this included my excercise calories) Its my mom,,,I have to have cake and ice cream with her on her birthday. <3
    in Cake Comment by Looncove_Farm April 2015
  • potatoe chips,,,for the love of God keep em away from me, FAR AWAY,,,or you will get trampled as I come to take them from you.
  • I have come to the conclusion that I dont need to call it a cheat meal. I just eat what some call "cheat food" in moderation, tonight it was a slice of Pizza and some of my Moms birthday cake and ice cream, im still UNDER my calories for the day and I couldnt be happier!
  • I like logging. I slipped a little in the beginning and would forget to do it in the evening but my diary is set to open and you can see it and everytihng I add in. As a matter of fact if you check todays you will see I had pizza and birthday cake,,,my Mom turned 72 today so I splurged and still came in UNDER my calories.…
  • May I ask what TDEE is?
  • Eat breakfast when you get hungry. Doesnt matter if its at 5am or 10am or even 11 or later, eat when you get hungry. Breakfast isnt necessarily a morning meal. breakfast - Literally means "breaking the fast"—of the night, as it is the first meal after sleeping. It doesnt have a specific time.
  • Thank you Christine, they are my world. I even have 2 of my 12 cattle for pets that will live here forever and we are patiently awaiting the arrival of a new Foal.
  • Thank you atypicalsmith. Im doing pretty good without them but im sure there will be days this summer that I need each and every one one of them when we start haying.
  • rosie its a busy life but I wouldnt trade it for anything. I love the animals and I love being busy. I just need to shed this extra weight. Slowly but sure its happening.
  • Thank you forty6and2, yes I am using MFP to calculate everything at this time. I am waiting for a HRM to arrive on the 25th and Im hoping to let that track some of my excercise calories. Rosiegirl333, I work at a small horse farm and clean stalls and feed and clean the barn 3 hours every morning and then I come home and…
  • Id be on the floor at 1200. I do 1430 and im very active. Theres no way I could do 1200. I bet your hungry A LOT. I would definately be adjusting my intake or you may end up lightheaded and on the floor.
  • I had the sugar on my tracker at first. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and it always said I was over so I switched it to fiber instead. Problem solved, im still losing weight and I dont look at my sugar but im sure its still over what MFP says it should be.
  • I purchased a new digital scale from Amazon, it had good reviews and when I tested it with a 20 pound weight it was spot on. I like it and it looks nice. It is an Epic Digital scale and it ran around $35.00. If you mean kitchen scales I just have a walmart cheapy, Mainstay stainless steel digital kitchen scale that seems…
  • I throw a bunch of fruit in a blender after I tend livestock and then out the door I go for work. Its quick and I can drink it on the drive. Tastes good too. Nice natural energy drink. Want more protein, throw a spoon full of protein powder in and BAM, a tall glass of yum.
  • I find my body has created its own schedule and when it says its hungry I can almost guess what time it is within a half hour. Breakfast is around 630 am to 7am. Lunch will fall somewhere between 1130am and 12noon. The dinner will hit around 5pm and 530pm, when my stomach grumbles I eat but its normaly right around those…
  • Around 1300 to 1400 my MFP suggested calories are 1430 so I stick with that for a 1.5LB loss per week. 44 pounds to go and I will bring them up and maintain. Good luck!
  • You had cake, you were under your calories and it was TASTEY I bet! Win for you. I love cake!
    in Cake Comment by Looncove_Farm April 2015
  • I like a Saturday night cheat meal. Last night it was Texas roadhouse, a 1/4 of a cactus blossom and a ceaser salad with a hot roll. YUM.
  • Its amazing the amount of people that are picking apart peoples comments. Instead of agreeing to disagree it seems there are people here just watching and waiting to pounce on any comment that doesnt fit what they feel is right and wrong. Why bother posting? If you do not like the OPs original comment dont comment, keep…
  • I just bought an Epic digital scale though Amazon, 36 bucks and it was spot on. Nice big bright blue numbers too.
  • How about a home made smoothie? No additives or preservatives, its all fruit and sometimes a little green stuff for a boost and you can add what you like to it and make it your own. They taste good too. On top of all that, its like a natural energy drink packed full of vitamins. PS, they are normaly twice the size of…
  • I was having some hunger at night right before bed, which is 8pm for me. (up at 430am) and I had to add some extra meat in my dinners. It worked. I now go to bed with no hunger at all and we eat around five pm every night because we have livestock and barn chores at sixpm and then im done in, lol.
  • Ooooooo we cleaned an old 100 plus yo barn 3 years ago. We now have calves and some horses, chickens, goats and rabbits in new stalls we built, but OH the things we found! It was a full five feet high from front to back and its a 4 story barn that is 100 feet long. We store hay in the back and on some of the upper floors…
  • Personally, I would stick out the detox. Its uncomfortable and crappy but it will end in a short amount of time. Like anything you quit, you mentally and physically miss it. In the meant time, while you are waiting for this hard time to pass, walk, clean, reorganize, go for a ride, go visit a friend. ANYTHING to get your…
  • Are you also taking vitamins? Something with a little b12 in it? I really see a difference in myself when im taking them and sticking with them and being consistent with my meals as well. 1 gallon of water? WOW! You rock in the water department! I do 8 to 10 cups a day and if I do more, no sleeping for me because I race to…
  • I bought an Epica digital scale through Amazon but not a fat% one. Love the scale, its accurate At this point im not measuring Body Fat but if I decide to it will be with Calipers. I did read some reviews of the BF% scales and the biggest complaint was that they were not very accurate.
  • Hmmmmm, how about a smoothie for lunch? Some fresh fruit and then soem frozen berries and OMG they are so good and you can sip them slowly. Something to try on a day when you have had a lot of water. Are you eating when hungry or eating by a schedule?
  • I tihnk when I get to maintainence I will want them, but currently trying to lose 46 lbs so I need to leave em out. TY for the information.
  • Breakfast Grapes - Raw, 15 grape Turbana - Banana, 1 medium banana Watermelon - Raw, 1.5 cup, balls Strawberries - Raw, 5 large (1-3/8" dia) Blueberries - Frozen, unsweetened, 0.25 cup, unthawed Add Food Quick Tools Lunch Amy's Organic Soups - Split Pea, 2 cup (245 g) Premium - Saltine Crackers, 10 piece Jif - Simply Jif-…