I don't think I have enough nutrient because I am on a diet. For sure, I need supplement, I just don't know which. Thanks
Unbelievable, I am glad I am not talking politics, stay on the point.
I am not mad, but sorry for your negative attitude. You are missing the point. Go back and read my original post. I already do diet and exercise. That is elementary knowledge.
So much negative energy, what a waste.
It doesn't hurt trying while doing my heart good.
Thanks, I will research the first one and take the fish oil.
I agree, but I was wondering if there is one for metabolism
Thank you, that is great tip
How are you so sure?
I am doing that, eating right and exercise. I am just wondering if there is a specific vitamin that accelerate this good efforts.
Easter feast has been resisted, with much gratitude in my heart.
For me is fall 100 times and get up one more time :smile:
For me is fall 100 times and get up one more time :smile:
Star I have to make this true by becoming an overcomer NOW
Consistency, until now though
This is true
I am in
We have about the same goal. Started the day before yesterday. 34 lbs in 17 weeks. We can do it, this is for real!
Losing 35 lbs in 17 weeks. Plan to achieve the first milestone by July 29. Its overwhelming. One day at a time, the day will arrive and focusing on this personal victory is important. I choose to believe this is POSSIBLE!
I am glad to be here, very supportive people. I had two great days so far. I did eat what I planned. I was not a slave to food. I weigh in next week. Planning to lose 10 lb per month. A total of 40 lbs by August 1st. Is that realistic?
I tried to master will power and discipline, but I found there is no transformation power in them for me. I am trying to change the way I THINK. I am just starting anew like you now. The difference is the way we do our thinking. Watch your defeating self talk and replace it with self fulfilling predictions of your success.…
"It always seems impossible until its done." Nelson Mandela
I like that thinking, thank you. I hereby stop giving up. So I start by naming myself CONSISTENT. This is the name I embrace going forward. I believe for you too!
Thank you, I hope to say the same here for the years to come!