jwebb579 Member


  • Thank you for sharing the realization! I'd have to say, "Ditto"! I'd also throw in, "keeping it up", gives us a great a great snap shot of our health, good or bad. And, can show the big picture if you have any concerns.
  • This sounds like where I started and it sounds like STRESS! When I started to just gain and gain, notjing really changed in my diet, but my stress load was crazy. I did get my hormones checked to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary. Fortunately, I only had slightly elevated testosterone. To be honest, I have…
  • Hello! I've struggled with just about evey type of ED, but primarily BED for nearly the last 20 years. This is really the first time I've seriously acknowledged it and have decided to stop shaming myself for it, but rather seek help in the way of support for myself, and hopefully supporting others. I'd love to continue…