I have a problem with a lot of sugar and fatty food intake. So I try to limit my food that has a lot of sodium, sugar, and high saturated fats. Like baked goods ( cookies, cakes, confectioneries), fast food, junk food( fast food, chips premade ready meals) , and kid cereal. But that's just me.
I'm 5" 11" and the weight requirements for that are 83-100. Or you have to be a sample size of 000-2. You wont to lose your contract buy not haveing a thigh gap. Its against the law now to try to promote pro ED FADS. If you fit sample sizes, and hight requirements you'll be fine. Aswell your BMI is over 19. But they are…
Its genetics mostly. If you don't have a wide pelvis, and wide, small framed, and high set, curved femurs, then you won't have a "thigh gap". Genetics determine majority of it. Also your worth more than " thigh gap". Don't let anyone tell your worth based on what society says you need to have. You want to be strong, and…