jumanajane Member


  • Thanks wabmester. Im going to get my CRP retested when Im back in Dubai and its had a chance to calm down. I have been LC predominately since 2003. I had 2 cardiac ultrasounds...one in 2006 and one 2012 and they showed normal thicknesses. The angio 3 years ago only showed 1 area of thickening..99% which was the area…
  • Argghhhh. The mobile cut my post in half! Now facing waiting for my bowels to work...I didn't have stitches after giving birth but now feel for those of you who did! Have taken Natural Calm magnesium but don't want anything to violent...need to heal well before flying. Thanks so much for all your messages. Lots of love to…
  • Hi everyone, just a quick check in with you all . The op went very well and the Consultant was very happy that he achieved exactly what he wanted. I have been pretty pain free....just dull aches really and controlled by paracetamol and a hot water bottle. Still feeling nauseated at times but apparently that is common with…
  • Hi all....just a quick check in from nice and cool Bournemouth.....only 14C instead of 36C!!! Lovely! Karla and Janice you two are still awesome, not only in your results but in that you are wonderful examples of all the positive things you can achieve with this woe. Rock on! Kathy so sorry you are still having that pain,…
  • Hi everyone old and new. Sorry I haven't been managing to post much! Frantic with the business.....why does everyone want personalised chocs just as we are going away!!!??? Rebecca...so lovely to hear from you and to know that the houses are coming along nicely! You have been through such a rough time and are coming out…
  • That's brilliant! How nice to have a Dr that's supportive! Awesome job on your part!
  • Thanks. Hope you recover quickly from yours!
  • No, I can see that...the peak and trough effect. Its a gynae op so no probs with eating post op. I have already been told I would have an IV pre op so shall make my request at my pre-admission appointment and make sure its put in red! Lolol. We shall see,hehehe. I am travelling to UK from Dubai and having it done privately…
  • dextrose iv
  • Lol.....I am requesting a saline IV instead of dextrose....its only to keep my fluids up during the surgery so.....be interesting to see how 'compliant' they are to my requests including food! Taking supplies just in case,lol. Found this on pinterest from the nourished caveman if anyone is interested.…
  • Konjac flour (glucomannan)used in shirataki noodles is sometimes known as elephant yam so I guess you need to double check what kind of yam was used.
  • These are not shirataki noodles but what are known as glass noodles and made from starch so.......
  • That's the way my thoughts were going...increase protein to spare muscle and provide building/healing blocks. Any thoughts on fats ?
  • Potatoes for me.....I resisted them recently while on holiday thanks to hubby being strong on my behalf! If he had said yes I'd have given in!
  • http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2013/10/01/how-to-bake-grain-free-with-coconut-flour/ http://empoweredsustenance.com/coconut-flour-recipes/ Sorry, links didnt post!
  • https://www.pinterest.com/pin/479985272763088401/ How to cook with coconut flour....it can be tricky! 105 coconut flour recipes,lol. That should keep you busy! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/378935756123185262/
  • Thanks girls! Had a nice day topped off by a skype chat with my son and dil.....who at 28 weeks is refusing to show me my 'grandbump'!!! Mean thing! Seems she hates it! She has never had a tummy let alone a bump...Chris calls it 'Alien' as it looks like the alien moving around in Sigourney Weavers tum! They still dont know…
  • OMG!!!! Look at you!! Lolol. This pic is wonderful and the light in your face is so lovely.....get this on a couple of dating sites asap.....you will be flooded with men wanting to know more about you!!! So sorry that you have been forced to take so many steps backwards but think how much stronger you are now than before…
  • Hello everyone, old friends and new! I'm afraid you dont get rid of me that easily,lol. Some of you know I have been away for the last 3 weeks on my long awaited holiday to the UK. I live in Dubai and hadnt been home for 2 1/2 years so it was busy busy with seeing family and friends and visiting favourite places. Before…
  • Lolol, I love your sense of humour!! Knowing you I think you will find a stylish way to keep them up until the designated recycle time! Me, I'm using a safety pin to maintain my dignity until I fit the trousers sitting waiting for that magical inch to go that will let me wear them again. :)
  • I have just found that I need to lose another 14kg to get to the top end of 'normal'. Thats 31lbs to make me 163lbs. Thats not going to happen. I have gone down nearly 3 dress sizes...if I get into a UK 16 I will be very happy and leave it at that.
  • I have heard that a lot here use Natural Calm which is a soluble version and the most bioavailable. That might help you. I agree about the size of some of the tabs! I have Natural Calm waiting for me in UK....it will be such a relief NOT to try swallowing a horse pill! Lol.
  • I recently (last week) got out of the obese range and into the overweight range. Yes I was happy but no way will I try for 'normal'. It would look dreadful on me at 5'8" and 59 yrs old! I'm keeping some fat in reserve to see me through my old age! Looking better and feeling better is so much more important than fitting…
  • Lol.....I am an open book and happy to hear all opinions as thats all they are...opinions....on any subject but at least I dont cut and run when someone expresses an alternate opinion to mine and comments on it! Thats what bullys do! As I have never watched Oprah I have no idea what she does so....I was just saying that I…
  • @newmeadow....wow! You do seem to have some issues that seem to make you make aggressive comments! Sounds like you have been very hurt by things, presumably men! I sincerely hope you can find a way to heal and see better of them. Even with all the crap around now a days there are still genuine, loving. caring men who like…
  • Speaking as a saggy old hag AND a cougar (ref profile pic! hehehe) I can say that when I asked my 18 1/2 years younger than me husband why he was attracted to me he said....I loved the life in you and that you enjoyed things and deal with things with humour! We have been married nearly 16 years so.......dont paint everyone…
  • I had mine out in 2003 and apart from having to rush to the toilet an hour or so after eating a very high fat meal its been fine. Actually it can be a help sometimes with this woe if my bowels have been a bit sluggish,lol.
  • Cant say I have...unless you count extra lumps close to my waist where my breasts seem to be heading! Lol. Hope its as the Dr says. :)
  • Lol, I just saw the title of the thread and went...doh!! Thanks too.