DesertGunR Member


  • Asking what type of deadlift is most effective is like asking what is the tastiest ice cream. Each variations has its benefits and its drawbacks depending on your physical limitations or lack thereof. The best deadlift is the one you do and do with good form. It is also very goal dependent as they each work to develop…
  • Put simply sort of, if you have adjusted your protein intake to between 0.8g-1g per pound of lean muscle mass you currently have. At some point your strength gains will slow down. At that point you can either eat at maintenance or a small surplus in order to gain a small amount of lean muscle mass as you continue to train.…
  • Good for deciding to start back on a healthy lifestyle. First and foremost, remember that all weight loss begins in the kitchen. After you have taken care of business there and are eating at deficit for your daily activity level, then choose an exercise programs you enjoy. I see no problem with following the program you…
  • Sorry that I forgot to add by volume. Though, I am glad you pointed it out so there is no confusion on anyone's part. My bad I didn't catch that before I submitted. Not sure what obesity has to do with anything. Since it is physically impossible to spot train for losing fat in a specific area. If she starts a…
  • @11Adams11wife11 You're welcome, enjoy your journey B)
  • All good goals. Don't forget the looking good in a Wicked Weasel Micro Bikini. LOL! Good Luck
  • I'm going to go with @MonsoonStorm here. Unless, of course, your family is holding you hostage, is force feeding you while taped down to the couch and has briefly allowed you internet access to check email and you have chosen instead to make this a cry for help. Your best course of action is to just get up and move. Move…
  • Why is that fat I don't like still hanging on after all my hard work? Genetics, plain and simple. Every person be they a man or woman gains weight in different areas first and it will be these area that will lose last. No amount of spot reducing is possible. It is notoriously difficult to lose those last few pounds of fat.…
  • @11Adams11wife11 All weight loss begins in the kitchen. Having said that, there is no need to deny yourself anything that is in your current diet. It begins with choosing an activity level here on MFP. It will give you a daily calorie goal along with a minimum activity level to try and meet. Your ab challenge is a good…
  • @ruelha By adding more resistance training (Highly Recommended), be it body weight or traditional strength training you will be building/retaining lean muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat and it burns more calories too. If you find a good resistance/strength training plan you like the muscle you build will keep or add…
  • Definitively keep going to the gym. Use what is available. Look into programs at From what I've noticed on here a lot of women read New Rules of Weight Lifting For Women. They also seem to lean towards Strong Curves or StrongLifts 5x5. These are very well structured programs and can take you from novice…
  • Bruising that easily. I agree a consult with a Doctor is warranted. That is definitely not a normal condition. Other than that a very good stretching routine before and after any exercise as well as on your off/rest days.
  • So why are you not losing that last bit of belly fat? Genetics, plain and simple. Everybody puts on weight in different areas first, be you a man or woman. Those areas will also be the last go. Continue to eat at a deficit. Continue your workouts, add more intensity if you want. Those last few pounds for everyone's trouble…
  • Pretty much the same thing, except I'm an ***hole and I don't really care what other people like that think about me. Some have had a testosterone reactions to it. At which point I usually just put a towel over my eyes as if they were not there. I have never had them decide to come to blows, despite an occasional threat…
  • The first highlighted part is the initial key to your success. After that it is totally up to you. If you like to walk, ride a bike or elliptical start slow and work up. If you don't know try as many as you have access to. Once you find it stick with it and find a program that will help you improve your cardio fitness.…
  • Never heard of it. I had to search for it. It sounds like an interesting program. Having chucked around more than my fair share of sand bags I would guess that it would work just fine depending on what your final goal is. The main thing is, if you enjoy it. You are more likely to keep doing it. If your ultimate goal is…
  • Get a good pair of walking shoes for now. They actually make dedicated walking shoes. Take the little one with you in the stroller. In the beginning start with short and easy walks, since you will need to fit them into your little ones feeding sessions. Your body is already under stress so give it some time to recover.…
  • @Jessiemno What to count depends on what activity level is set at, sedentary, lightly active, etc.. I would lean towards keeping the C25K info since it is definitively above whatever your daily activity level is set to be. If the step counting is just to see how far you travel in a day as part of your daily activities,…
  • Will definitely make for an interesting color to look at. LMAO, it happens!!!
  • I Loved the severe Thunderstorms that moved in about halfway through the ride. Nothing to get the pedals turning when you can actually feel the Thunder as the Lightening strikes nearby. I Loved Every Second Of It!!! Though it did cut my ride to only 2.25miles, oh well.
  • @VegasFit True, you've got to wash everything correctly. Cycling shorts wearing out for me tend to end in catastrophic release, so I keep an eye on them as I wash them. Same was the case for my rugby shorts. I learned a long time ago to wear compression shorts from TommieCopper or others as a preventative measure.
  • I've been down into the low 4% body fat range when I was much, much younger. Had the eight pack, ripped all over. It is an extremely difficult lifestyle to follow. It takes more dedication than you can even begin to believe to get and stay there.Though, it was easy at the time when I had a gym 200 yards from my barracks…
  • There is also the odds that after a year, or more, of continual use that the material has gone past its useful life. The wear it and wash it cycle will eventually wear any fabric out. Even as a man, my cycling shorts do not last forever before they start to thin out. Good Luck finding new workout gear.
  • I think we would all love to help the OP find a solution for her and our own post workout problem. Sadly, having worked out my entire life I have yet to find a solution. I do get a little flushed for awhile after a workout and take a cold shower for as long as I can, depending on work schedule etc., I will then spend about…
  • The above is a good place to start. Finding the motivation to continue is the hardest part that everyone here has had to overcome. Whether they were athletes at one time that stopped and now want to get back in shape. To those who rarely if ever learned to do a table push away and have decided that their deteriorating…
  • Thanks to VA's lack of priorities in patient care, I haven't been able to ride for awhile. After receiving what I've been waiting for, for 2 weeks now. I was able to get out and ride for 5 miles today. Nearly 80 degrees, Sunny, Slight Breeze and Heavy Traffic. Felt good to ride again. Pleasantly surprised I made after…
  • Breathing and lifting is an art that takes a lot practice, just like lifting. As for core strength, SL 5x5 will develop that. As you get heavier in lifting it is an absolute necessity to wear a lifting belt. By wearing a belt properly as you lift it will give your the proper support to increase your core strength. You can…
  • A good foam roller might help you keep your muscles stretched out and a little more relaxed. I do no suffer from Fibro, though I do have chronic muscle spasms. I use a foam roller by HyperIce called the Vyper. It helps me, so something similar might help you.
  • Muscle is Muscle, whether it is Male or Female! Strength gains can be achieved by both, though it will take a little longer for a woman than a man of equal lean muscle mass. However muscle growth will be a lot less noticeable in a woman due to lack of testosterone. So if you and man of equal lean muscle mass start a…