DesertGunR Member


  • Not sure what you're really asking??? I can tell you that like other posters have said cocoa powder & mustard are very low calorie. Unless you are prepping for a competition what is the purposes of getting to 5% BF for yourself? I have been there and it is difficult to maintain for any length of time unless you have a job…
  • That is your main concern at the moment. Not knowing and not asking what those limitations are since they do not need to be public information. Talk with your Physical Therapist to develop a program that can strengthen the main muscle groups and more likely the stabilizers that are weak. Once you have those areas taken…
  • Kind of sounds like you pushed to hard to soon and now the body is pushing back. Try foam rolling, massage therapy or doing stretching routine. Your mind remembers being able to do certain thing with your body. Your body on the other hand has enjoyed its new state of being. As for all electrolytes like sodium are…
  • What amount of calories per day is an equation that can be set by MFP for you. If you haven't done this already, you need to do it now so you'll know what your daily calorie goal is. The math and science behind it all is way past my pay grade. You need to select an activity level. This is your activity level during what…
  • Eating at deficit will not allow you to gain muscle. Strength training will help you keep the lean muscle mass you have by eating the proper amount of protein. This will help your body to recover on your rest days. Once, you have lost the weight you wish to lose. Then you can decide if you want to eat at a slight surplus…
  • For the most part eating at deficit is your main goal even as you exercise. As for protein intake around 0.8g-1g per pound lean muscle mass you have, so you are probably pretty close to your ideal intake already. As for carbs, unless you are diabetic you are probably good to go and the same goes for fats. Just keep them in…
  • Unfortunately there is no such thing as spot reducing or exercises that will flatten or tighten up a certain area. The only way to lose that pooch is to lower your body fat. To do that you need to eat at a deficit and do some kind of exercise. Based on what you've said look into a strength based exercise program which will…
  • Stationary bikes, elliptical, rowing machines and stair climbers to name a few. All of them can usually be set to varied resistance levels to accommodate light, moderate and intense workout levels.
  • If your goal is strength a program like Strong Curves or StrongLifts 5x5. Though both will need fractional weights (0.25lb., 0.50lb., 0.75lb., 1lb.) in order to work through the progression properly. If your goal is more endurance than search for Circuit Training routines. If your goal is cardio fitness choose what kind…
  • I go for outside because of better scenery. The machines do not add any assistance, though depending on the machine, they can limit range of motion or provide more control and if needed add a measurable amount of resistance, which if you are trying to rehab can be useful. So it is really your personal preference. Good Luck!
  • @Francl27 Instead of trying to move up 5 or 10 pounds at a time try using fractional weights (0.25lb., 0.50lb., 0.75lb., 1lb.) if you have them available at your gym. StrongLifts 5x5 has a great app that will help you break through plateaus and it is a great strength program for all levels of lifters. Good Luck!
  • There are a lot of them. You can do a search for "You are your own gym", "Convict Fitness" or just "Calisthenics". I've used the TRX Suspension Trainer, which is a body weight training system that is lightweight and very portable. So you can take it with you when you travel. Which I found extremely useful when there was…
  • I have the misfortune of owning a FitBit Surge. Step tracking sucks a huge freaking ****!!! When I carry a drink or have to hold on to something that needs pushing I will 70% of steps taken, on average so far. When I ride my trike, in a car or my work has a repetitive motion like needing to move parts from one bench to…
  • Holy Crap Batman! Tell me he didn't go full retard, you never go full retard! If you don't even understand that 1 pound of anything in the entire universe still only weighs 1 pound even though its volume may be different you are to under educated to be posting freely on any forum on any website in the entire universe,…
  • Keep on keeping on. Since you are heavy lifting 3x a week now there is going to be a difference in how your body reacts to it. There will be more water retention, that is normal. Keep yourself well hydrated at all times. There are few more changes that your body is adjusting too. As you keep lifting heavy you are helping…
  • Muscle does not weigh more than Fat. One pound of Muscle weighs exactly the same as one pound of Fat. Muscle is denser than fat so it takes up less space by volume. Just like one pound of lead takes up far less space than one pound of feathers. That is why as you strength train and maintain your lean muscle mass you will…
  • In general, I think this is your best goal to look into. I have done StrongLifts 5x5 and its more advanced variations most of my life. It is a good program from novice to advance. Check at your gym and make sure they have Olympic weights and barbells (20kg/45lb) and most importantly fractional (0.25lb., 0.50lb., 0.75lb.,…
  • First and foremost remember this, all weight loss start in you own kitchen. You must adjust, maintain and monitor all of your calories there and keep yourself in caloric deficit. As for fat loss or gain, it is all about genetics. Wherever you personally gain weight first is where you will lose it last. Every person here…
  • That's probably the best advice. Control your deficit in the kitchen. That is where true weight loss occurs anyways.
  • Not much of a yoga fan myself, that's just me. So I tend to lean towards good old fashion stretching routines, foam rolling and walking the dog. Some rest day I just rest, because it is what the body needs to recover both mentally and physically. Foam rolling is using a fairly stiff foam roll, squash ball or other round…
  • So you want to add some strength training to your home work out. Don't worry you can and you don't need anything more than you to do it. There are many different body weight programs out there. Which are just basic calisthenics programs. Look up "Using your body as a gym" and several other like them. If you want to start…
  • Weight loss occurs at one place only and that is in the kitchen. Exercise for all intents and purposes is supplemental to that. So you need to Eat at deficit, Eat at deficit and one other thing, Eat at deficit! The only other thing you should worry about past eating at deficit, is trying to match your protein intake to…
  • If you are looking for strength then lift heavy at low reps. Look into programs like Strong Curves or StronLifts 5x5 these seem to be the most popular. I've used SL5x5 and its variations most of my life. Though, as a woman make sure your gym has fractional weights(0.25lb., 0.50lb., 0.75lb., 1lb.) as these will be needed to…
  • I'll second that, even those of us who lift regularly still look funny doing it. Just one of those necessary evils of lifting. There is doing the lift correctly and with good form to prevent injury, but looking on it still looks funny. Just try and not be the one that grunts all the time. Some of the gyms I've been to even…
  • Definitively find a routine you enjoy doing and you will continue with it for the long haul. You must remember that while doing exercise is great and everyone here will tell you that you need to do it to help you on your journey. There is one rule above all others that works. Weight loss begins in the kitchen. Get your…
  • When it comes to protein I have always enjoyed eating it over drinking it. Maybe that's just an Italian thing, who knows. I am not a huge vegetable fan so it is easier for me to just adjust my calories towards eggs, pork, beef, venison, seafood, etc. I have also learned that for me, protein shakes of all different…
  • Well you have a grasp of it. A pound is a pound, the difference is the volume of space it takes up is true. To lose weight you have to start in the kitchen and get your diet right. To build muscle you have to put it under stress such as a program like StronLifts 5x5 and others like them, and eat at, the very least, at…
  • I agree with this totally. There are 100's maybe even 1000's of at home workouts. It may take you several tries to find the one for you or you may get lucky and hit it on it in the first pick. Though, since you have asked for one that has worked for me. I'd check into using a TRX Suspension Trainer. Takes up very little…
  • I agree with this totally. There are 100's maybe even 1000's of at home workouts. It may take you several tries to find the one for you or you make get lucky and hit it on the first pick. Though since you have asked for one that has worked for me. I'd check into using a TRX Suspension Trainer. Takes up very little space,…