jodilynn783 Member


  • Got it.
  • There is a Whole Foods in Orlando not too far from either. If you have access to a fridge, get a few healthy items from there. Good luck!
  • I appreciate everyone helping me out. Seems I don't need to be so stuck on percentages but I need to continue to eat healthy and workout. Thanks for all of the advice. : )
  • Will work on figuring out my weight and protein ratio. I find it quite surprising to see how many foods I thought were healthy have high amounts of simple carbs. This has been an eye opening of experience for me.
  • I don't eat meat either and can relate to the challenge. I've been sticking to plain, Greek yogurt, eggs, tuna and 2% cottage cheese to help boost my protein. I think I'll need to add protein powder.
  • I have been told by a personal trainer that the 40% protein, 30% fat and carb ratio is ideal for weight loss and muscle tone. As for losing weight in certain areas I realize you can't spot lose but I am noticing a difference in my belly. Perhaps I am losing it all around but I notice it most in my stomach? : )
  • I appreciate everyone's input. Thanks!
  • Yikes, my calorie limit is 1200 if I want to lose 1.5 pounds a week. I'm not spending my calories on almonds. As for my protein increase, carb decrease, this seems to be the ratio for losing belly fat in addition to exercise. I must say I do see a difference after only a week of counting calories and carbs.
  • I just started adding weights to my workout.
  • I'm more worried about my carbs. Fat is not the problem. I am striving for 30% carbs and fat, 40% protein. I can't seem to keep my carbs lower than 36%. I eat fish but don't eat meat. Nuts and grains are either high in carbs or fats. Trying to lose 10 pounds, and belly flab. I've amped up my workout to walking 4.0 miles…
  • I'm eating those now. Are there any vegetables that are high in protein and low in carbs? Seems like certain veggies are high in carbs. I was always under the impression that I could eat as many veggies as I wanted as long as I didn't add fats to them.
  • I do eat fish. Which helps.
  • Awesome. Thanks!