I did a full upper-body lifting session (chest, back, shoulders, bi's, tri's, and traps) and about a 20 minute run
I decided to lift when I was 15 because I liked being bigger and stronger than I was without lifting. My latest stint is about 3 years. I've put on about 12 lbs of muscle while staying at low body fat. As I said, I am still planning on when to compete, but I definitely do plan on competing. At 162lbs my numbers are…
I am interested to find out what happens with your strength while losing bodyweight. Feel free to keep me posted too. I am very strong and lift heavy at the gym, but I've yet to compete. What's your favorite lift?
If you're using a lot, like 4 plates per side, you can roll the bar with plates onto 2.5lb plates, so that the inner two plates on each side are atop the flat 2.5lb plate, and you can easily remove the outer plates.