Actually no. I got the program for the exercises. I ended up with 2 (one basic and one deluxe), so I sold the extras on eBay. (I had no use for the plastic containers, though my dog would have enjoyed playing with them.)
21 Day Fix is a daily exercise program (for 21 days) that involves cardio, weights, yoga and pilates. It's not easy at all! They have a modifier for every session, and I must admit I follow her a lot.
OK, so here is how I ended up. I ordered T25 and 21 Day Fix (both Beachbody) and am doing the daily Shakeology shake (which I like very much). I also ordered Jillian's Body Revolution (a 90 day dvd program). I decided I would just alternate these. Well that's not working so great, especially since I am also doing treadmill…
I miss Bootcamp.
Sounds like you're on the right track. I can attest to the results of overdoing it, and you don't want to go there! Rest is a good thing. Really!
Now I need to get back to T25. Even though I did the 10K I feel like I'm slipping backwards. Time for some squats and lunges again! I hate to admit this, but I miss the BLBC. I don't think T25 is as thorough as Dolvett and his compadres were. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. (BTW, I found out yesterday that they award…
I "dood" it! (as my granddaughter used to say) I did my 10K walk yesterday (my first "real" one), and I must say it went very well. The 10K category didn't differentiate between runners and walkers, so obviously I placed fairly far down, but I was surprised to see that I managed to pass anyone! There were around 1000…
Got the massage last night. It made all the difference in the world! I will be splurging at least monthly for a massage. Since I gave up Weight Watchers, the cost will be almost justifiable. I haven't actually iced anything yet. After the massage nothing hurt. Today I went to the Zoo just to walk around and take pictures,…
Just completed my first week of T25 (and first week without BL). I did the modified version all week except for a few regular jacks here and there. All it takes is 25 minutes. So I also did something else. Thursday I did a 10K on the treadmill (it was horrible outside) and yesterday I dusted off one of my many Richard…
2nd day of T25. This one was Speed 1.0. I am doing the modified version at least for this week, but I think I will end up doing a combination of modified and regular version. The modified jacks are just like the ones we did on BL, and really aren't very challenging. The problem with doing the regular ones is that they go…
Today is my first day sans BL Boot Camp, and the website is no longer available to me. But the 10 week Boot Camp was awesome. Too bad the administration did not excel as well. But I must have accomplished something. I was able to complete the first workout of Beachbody's T25 Alpha phase. OK, so I followed along with the…