Hi Sweatinit92 .... I can't say I know how you feel regarding depression. I've never been diagnosed with depression. I can tell you as a healthcare professional that depression is not typically admitted or discussed with physicians. You made several large steps .... you sought medical care for your depression and you…
Thanks RodaRose ...... appreciate the suggestions !
What are your healthy "fat" choices. I feel very limited with just nuts; cheese; avocado; and milk. There has to be other choices I'm not familiar with. Do you eat your fats alone .... Or do you incorporate them into your meal recipe? I'm so basic whereas I simply will have a small individual size serving of Wholly…
Great .... thank you usmcmp ! I want to keep this simple and not over think it. I'm not so sure my percentage breakdown will remain as is .... thinking I need to increase the protein to ward of brain fog .... and to decrease the evening urge to snack.