alyssagomez75 Member


  • Oohhh. I also just had bby #2 six weeks ago. Back down to pre pregnancy weight & waiting on the docs ok to start strength training again. I suffer from diastasis recti so depending on the severty I may be restricted for awhile & be seeing a pt. My 6 week pp check up is 2morrow so fingers crossed that ican at least start…
  • I struggle with having a sweet tooth as well in fact it's probably my #1 set back. Just recently while watching obesetobeast on YouTube, (do check him out if you get the chance, his channel is both helpful & inspiring!) John shared a healthy snack that has helped me take the edge off of my sweet cravings. Sugar free…
  • 5'2" looking to loose 22lbs. Let myself slowly go after having my son. More than ready to get back in the game & STAY there this time around!