This is the single most amusing thread I've read in a while.
Anywhere from 9am to 11am.
Season 2 and 3 were addictive. Season 1 made me entirely uncomfortable. The most recent didn't hit the right notes for me. I'm waiting for the next one.
5 days weight training + 30-45 minutes of gentle cardio every day (more for my sanity than anything else)
My favorite response.
Been wondering this for a while also.
I do this with good barbecue, or sriracha. Addictions are strong lol
Orange. Those shorts look like they could light the way.
The threads here are your best bet. And water. I know there's a lot of drink x oz or drink xx oz, plus what I follow may not be what you follow. So just keep it handy, water is the save-all.
I came on here because I'm a Ranch dressing fanatic, and these options are fantastic. Has anyone tried FF cottage cheese with a hidden valley packet? That sounds delicious, and is going on the grocery list lol
If its a normal week, and I'm just stocking up on things that I've used? $21-25. If I have to buy staples, it's around $100, but I buy in bulk.
I want to lose weight so I can start adding some serious muscle definition. Lose the fat, then put on the bulk. Yes, please.
What kind of gluten are you removing? Most rice is gluten-free (unless your considering rice gluten part of that spectrum) Quinoa and beans are also great and help with cals.