redlocks70 Member


  • Hello to all of the new people who have joined this forum! Couponwheelie- I'm so proud of your success in physical therapy! Keep up the good work! Hrneilsen, I made homemade pizza and it turned out great! I think the fact i made it myself made it taste even better! I want to let all of you here know that just by joining…
  • I'll have to make the pizza this weekend. I like the fact you can customize it any way you like. I'll let ya know how it turns out! I've been living off of Easter leftovers and need a change. Couponwheelie, have you found any exercise videos on YouTube that you like? How are they working out for you?
  • Hi couponwheelie- so glad to meet you! I will have to talk to my dr. about getting a wheelchair that's covered by ins. I'm glad you have one that's meeting all of your needs! I'll look for the sitting exercises on YouTube. I'm sure anything I do will help! This morning I spent a lot of time walking around my house during…
  • Hello there hrnielsen! No I don't use a manual chair. I was actually researching the electric wheelchairs, buy they're so pricey! I do use a cane and a walker with wheels. I feel bad about gaining weight- its definitely making it hard to walk! My boyfriend and I are also on this journey of weight loss- he's loosing weight…
  • Hello. I am new to the forums here and I'm a first time poster. I also have CP and am finding it difficult to loose weight. Maybe we can encourage each other. I wish you all the best in this journey. It definitely feels like an uphill battle, doesn't it?