Sounds like my kind of teleport!
I work next to a 2nd floor window. So I'd end up outside, probably sustain some injuries - but no death. If I still had connection to the network, I can keep working. :neutral: If it was 10 feet to the right - I'd end up in someone else's office. But she has snacks. So I'd be ok
100 bad Days - AJR
I've started 3 books and couldn't get through any of them. Nothing is keeping my interest long enough. All 3 are different authors and different genres. So how does everyone get over a reading slump?
I’m a fibro warrior too Feel free to add me :)
It’s been a while since I’ve checked in here...
I’m ready!!!!
Also me. In fact I may have actually said this to a guy. He thought I was joking. SMH.
I am both of these people..