Hi all, back here again to get the last 16lbs gone, it's gonna be tough, anybody want another buddy? Add me! 42, still trying!
Hi OHara, fancy another buddy,? Add me! Anybody here can
Hi there, welcome. I'm in the not so sunny Wales, UK! Fancy a buddy!
Ok, my cycling time trial for 25 miles pb is 60mins 15 seconds. Trying to break that this weekend, get under the hour!
Hey 40+ peeps! Looking for any buddies to help me get on this! I've got a last 16lbs to go but this bit seems tough! Please feel free to add me!!
Definitely the smile!
Eyes or ears..
@slimgirljo15 @ladychris29 @newgirl57 Definitely
Hi. Good to hear your on the bike, it's a great way to stay fit and healthy, I love it!
Hi, thanks for the add. Hopefully we'll get a few more from our timezone :)
Of course!!! :*
Nice work I think I'm at about your mid point now. Getting below 20% bf is proving very difficult. Did you have to be really strict with your macros? I think that's my downfall ..
I have just downloaded this one, good to hear you like it. Looks like it covers everything for my journey. Need to do the measurements, set up some workouts etc. Anything I should be aware of? Any tips?
Lol, yeah right. I don't kick kittens.... It automatically replaced the b@tt work. Maybe I should have just used our English spelling!
Awesome work, good luck! I'll add you :)
That's very cool, awesome work! I've got a way to go before my next celebration, and motivation has gone! You seem to have it though
Kitten? Thats not quite what needs kicking!
I know your naughty!
Hi, I'm in Wales too, just, I'm in Chepstow.
Thats easily done - you just need to want to do it, and you will :)
Hey, I'm on the same mission, love to ride my bike but need to shift a few pounds to get faster!!
I'm just trying to get back into this again, I've had some progress, but went off the boil putting on a few pounds. Need to get back to it! Definitely need somebody to kick my *kitten*!!
Seems like id be a gooseberry!
Sorry yes it was. So it should have said -so you must have a fault right? Can't see one though!
Well this is my flirt!
You're response is not shallow. Far from it, but at the same time you look awesome.. Shop you may have a fault right?!
Hi, I'm 6'4" was 250 now 226 and still working on it. The biggest dfference was tracking calories honestly. I have a desk job and aim to hit 1550 calories a day. It's working slowly. I do exercise fairly regularly too I have recently started at the gym again which resulted in putting 5lbs on but it's muscle. body fat had…
Hi, buddy on tap here!! I'm 24lbs through a 40lb goal, but have hit a bit of a wall!! Need that buddy too!!
Thanks! Useful to know! Simple is easier, I'll read some reviews.
Thanks, I will check them out. Being able to use on more than one bike is key for me as I'll mostly use my road bike but will also use when I'm on the track. Also looking to TT next year although don't have a TT bike at the moment.