HealthierCarol Member


  • I sincerely hope it does work for you. I, too, was very sedentary when I started out; however, if that workout had been my first choice, I would have quit. I needed a challenge to push myself, not something that would keep me where I started.
  • I, also, don't have a functioning thyroid and lose weight VERY slowly, but it can be done. And, no, I didn't go below 1200 calories/day to do it. Just keep plugging along and, as many have said, weigh/measure your food carefully and get the exercise in. Make sure you take your measurements, too, especially if you're…
  • I was on WW for several years (got to goal and then quit smoking; gained it all back and then some) and just quit within the last 2 months. The minimum fruit and vegetables is 5 per day and you're to eat them "to satisfaction," not full. I know I only had 2 fruit servings a day (1 fruit serving is 1/2 cup), but plenty of…
  • Just got my Fitbit today; not sure how to add my user name.
  • The first bit of advice is: Find some way of getting to a doctor. If you don't know if your thyroid is hyper or hypo, that will be your starting point; either diagnosis can have health ramifications. If your finances are really bad, could you apply for some kind of help? While you have a right to a copy of your medical…
  • An HRM with a chest strap would be more accurate than your bike, unless your bike requires you to input personal information (gender, weight, etc.), although Strong Curves is right, none of them are 100% accurate. I used to love my Polar F4 (long time ago), but since starting blood pressure meds, an HRM is no longer…
  • I previously lost 45 pounds with a good combination of dieting, cardio and lifting weights. The first time I seriously attempted to quit smoking, I gave up on the food side (ate pretty much as I felt, as long as I didn't smoke); I did, however, continued the cardio and weight-lifting. End result: I put on about 15 lbs.,…
  • I think using your hand for portion control is okay on an occasional basis, but not day-to-day. I generally don't carry my food scale with me everywhere, such as restaurants and friends' homes (and even if I knew my friends had a food scale, I wouldn't ask unless it was a close friend). However, I don't eat at restaurants…
  • The first time I lost weight, I did my workout first thing in the morning and didn't eat until about 9 AM (I got up most days at 4:30); it was something light, not a full breakfast, that I could eat quickly at my desk. Now that I'm retired, I've gotten into the habit of eating breakfast first, which is still an hour after…