ratschbumm Member


  • >Find your 1 or 3 rep maximum then plug them into the spreadsheets as a beginner she can't really find her 1 rm, because she has no experience in exercises form. So the best solution is to start with minimal weight even if you can lift more with brute force. Train form first, and then check your strength.
  • I personally do not count any exercises as a source of additional cals I can eat. Moreover, I aren't sticking on number of calories I eat. There are only three states of body weight - it is increasing, it is decreasing and it is stable. If it stable and I need to lower it - I eat 10% less next weeks. If it lower too fast -…
  • Crossfit is a thing where second sort oly lifters and swimmers advertise a high intensive training to office anemic people. Note that crossfit celebrities didn't get their conditions because of crossfit. So don't afraid to try, but it's better to do old good weight lifting workout with cardio, it is not worse than that…