PJ3937 Member


  • Hi amywebs18, I a returning member to MFP as of today. You have LOSS and that is success in my book any day. Hurrah for you. Keep going. MFP is a terrific way of tracking what you eat. Other people's expectations for weight loss have no bearing on what you are doing. Sounds like your plan is working and is tolerable for…
  • Hang in there. I use doctors best weight loss shakes for two meals when I'm in the mindset for Meal replacement. I supplement with fruit and veggies and salad (sorry no getting around these). I also use frozen meals when I'm not in the mood to cook. I use MFP to track my food. I have lost about 1lb./day in the past. Weight…
  • Thx for the recipe. I can't wait to make it for a friend who LOVES Frank's Hot Sauce. I think I will use dollar buns. I'm glad Davis_em posted reminder about comm guidelines. Its too bad people have to be rude and put their own recipe on top of yours. Thx. again. Blessings Pam
  • I just began the No-S Diet. (No Sweets, no Snacks, no Seconds--except on holidays or S days.) Great book. Most of the info. is at www.nosdiet.com for free. I hope to report at least 1lb a week minimum soon. :smiley:
  • WW tells you not to go below a certain amount of points. If I fall off my plan, I watch the starchy carbs the same day or the rest of the week.
  • I think you need a different website.
  • Nice discussion. Gave me much to consider (as a former failed WW member) I can't seem to eat enough veggies that would cause me to stuff myself. I didn't get fat on the high fiber, low carb veggies. I could easily overeat fruit, esp. fresh. I just love MFP. Makes it easy to keep track of cals., carbs, exercise. I love the…
  • What an interesting observation. I guess the answer would be, whichever way is more filling to you. I would have guessed the one with veggies and/or some oil would have done the job but then again, the veggies would need to be the more fiberous ones to be filling. Keep us posted. I really want to wish you success. Pam
  • Congrats. You look beautiful. I applaud your courage and the post also encourages the rest of us just getting started. Share any tips or what you are doing that's working?
  • but as already stated when you are so close to goal, don't expecrt consistent weight loss unless its about 1/2 lb per week or two. Bless you. Congrats for sticking with it and being so close. I know you will make it b/c you made it this far. Pam
  • Gotta change things up. Faster, more intensity, heavier wts, I do better with HIIT training for cardio every other day. Muscles burn more cals than fat--get into wt. training. I do 20min of HIIT on a sta. bike using a interval timer AFTER my strength training 2x/week.
  • I lie to fam and friends how much weight I've lost so I feel better about myself. Not fooling anybody though ... big belly ... even bigger butt.
  • Hi, hope you get what you needhere! I'm a returning member. I'm also a senior so I don't fit your requirements. Peace