

  • This will cause starvation mode in the body, you'll find once you eat carbs or starches your body will go into bindge mode. Self discipline will be a huge factor. A better alternative is portion control . Only eat 3/4 or 1/2 of ur normal portion and increase snacking on veggies, fruits and low sodium veggie soups or broths…
  • fruits high in sugars! Should be eaten in a 1:3 ratio to veggies :)
  • The body laying still for a day only requires 1200 calories, just for bodily functions, in order to gain 1lbs of fat u must retain 3000 calories, this means you're eating just enough to not gain weight but also not lose. 2500 is a lot of calories to be taking in a day, so even if u only taking in 2000 and ur not losing…