Good evening everyone, I hope your day has been going well. Happy hump day! SW RND 1 for me! 3/17 214lbs 3/18 214lbs 30 mins moving done! 3/19 213lbs planning a walk later but plenty of housework done and hoping to get a bit of gardening in on my lunch break 3/20 212lbs a long day of work and too long sitting means my hips…
Morning all, this group moves so quickly, I love it! SW RND 1 for me! 3/17 214lbs 3/18 214lbs 30 mins moving done! 3/19 213lbs planning a walk later but plenty of housework done and hoping to get a bit of gardening in on my lunch break 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26
A day late but hi! 43 F from Ireland, for these 10 days I want to focus on logging my food everyday, staying within my daily calories and getting some movement in for 20-30 mins daily SW RND 1 for me! 3/17 214lbs 3/18 214lbs 30 mins moving done! 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26