acord123 Member


  • I ate a small bowl of Rob Red Mills museli with vanilla almond milk and an orange.
  • I also like sugar.. The other day I went to the local coffee shop and bought an itallian soda with vanilla flavoring and I had to have the whip cream too. I would like to cut back on sugar too. It seems like I only crave it when it is there staring at me and wanting me to ingest it... Most of the time I do a pretty good…
  • Hello, I am new to this group. I fluctuate from being motivated to exercise and continue eating well, and then into the phase where I just can't get going. I also seem to quit posting when my weight starts to yo-yo like it is now.
  • I had heard that honey has food value content unlike sugar, but in order to get the nutrients one must get the pure natural honey and not the typical one from the bear. In the bear, the vital nutrients are extracted. I would spend a little more money and get the natural honey from a health food store or health section.…
  • Thank you for your sound advice. I have a workout program. I just need to motivate myself to go to the gym and do it. I guess I need to just get up and go, no excuses.