kimw11 Member


  • Ryan Gosling pointing out that muscles are like pets- "But you have to feed them and take care of them otherwise they'll go away."
  • 1. Be kind to yourself 2. Play the long game 3. See the scale number as a data point, not success or failure 4. No cheat days, but plenty of treats 5. Log everything, especially mayo
  • Also there is always the Whoosh Effect to consider:
  • I only have about 15 pounds to lose also and it has been very slow. Two things that have helped me are having a Withings scale that is linked to MFP and reading the NSV (NonScaleVictory) threads in the Success Stories category. I weigh myself every morning and although my weight loss has been slow I have a very steady…
  • I've been working out and logging for about six months and the scale is moving soooo slowly but my blood pressure is down 20 points. 20!
  • I had to reset the car seat to be closer to the wheel. Guess I'm not sitting on as much cushioning!