Linzjohnston Member


  • Natures Path Peanut Butter Granola.....its my healthy yet indulgent breakfast
  • Wine....I only have a glass or two occasionally....but I have big wine glasses.....pretty much kiss the bottle goodbye with 3 glasses. But those are only 4oz servings right?!?!?!?!? :s
  • Seriously, THANK YOU for this!! Thinking of this chaos as the new norm makes sense, big eye opener. But you're right, it should be my norm.
  • On the crockpot comments, how do you prevent destroying your food? I leave the house at 7am to drop the kids and head to work, I get home from my commute and getting kids from daycare by 5/5:30pm. If I leave the crockpot going that long, even if it switches to warm, the food is either mush or dust. What are you doing that…
  • You guys are all awesome!!! Thanks for the guilt check. FYI: I'm 34. My kids are very helpful and involved in the day to day household chores. Dishwasher, making beds, feeding pets, helping with lunches, etc. And separate meals, I don't do it all the time, but sometimes the kids want chicken fingers, and sometimes my hubs…
  • I do try to stay active with my kids, but at ages 3 and 6, their activity level is pretty minor. Short strolls, short bike rides, playing at the park. In addition, meal prep....I do really well with breakfast and lunch but supper I feel so guilty eating different meals from my family. I worry its bad that they see me…
  • I always choose "real" food over chemicals. When I read the ingredients of creamer or fat free the choice is obvious. Real cream is real food, fat free ingredient list contains many things I can't even pronounce and are not on the food guide.
  • I have spoken with three surgeons, 4 sports medicine physicians and 2 general practitioners. In the end they have a 95% success rate, and if the surgery fails I end up exactly where I am now. So no real loss except for the 9 months expected downtime to heal. In 5 years, I am told I can easily be back to where I was before…
  • Thank you for all your replies. This is one of the biggest pushes for me to have surgery. I don't want to stop anything. I am only 33 with young kids at home. I also have a higher BMI of 28 and I with my kids getting older I want to move more not less. Skiing and rollerblading are two things I cant do now that I cant stand…
  • The brace is allowing me to function. My knee feels like it will give out when I move and I have two small kiddos at home I need to keep up with and two dogs to walk. Right now I am waiting for surgery and trying to live....not at the healing portion yet. I've got a great PT lined up and my surgeon put my hubby's leg back…
  • Packerjohn: I did talk to my doctor and they said there are specific braces designed for meniscus tears with metal side hinges. This is what I bought. It gives me the stability without feeling my knee will give way to the sides if I move wrong which allows me to move more freely.