kellyr808 Member


  • Great job everyone!! I ended up traveling for most of September and didn’t have access to my bathroom scale. I tried to just eat clean and will see where I’m at and pick up where I left off. Will there be an October challenge like this as well? Where might it be posted? TIA!
  • Post number two! No progress. Even though had a few strong days and did OK (not great) with nutrition. This challenge really forces you to examine your choices!! SW: 160 CW: 162 GW: 130 GW by end of sept: 154 Check in days: August 31st: 162.2 (33.8% body fat) :disappointed: September 7th: 162.6 (33.9% body fat) :(…
  • SW: 160 CW: 162 GW: 130 GW by end of sept: 154 Check in days: August 31st: 162.2 (33.8% body fat) :disappointed: September 7th: September 14th: September 21st: September 28th:
  • I’ve never posted here or done any of the challenges. I’ve been a “elite” (insert eye rolls here! I hate that term but it kind of describes how important the sport is in my life) triathlete for about eight years, but I suffered a couple pretty serious injuries and haven’t been able to really train for almost a year. It’s…