May be it was hunger actually. Just check it out - if last time you ate was 3-4 hours ago, if your stomache hurts and spams, or if you have a headache,- then its hunger,not appetite. And only good meal can help you out. ;)
Actually, the World Health Organization recommends to eat at least 1000 ccal a day. The process of losing weight is not a simple graph down. It can contain "stairs" or "plato" on your way (when the weight actually isn't going down). These days you should make some waist and hips measurements. Your body is rebuilding…
I found a list of scientific references here And i'm not forcing anyone to use oils, really. If you don't want it, you simply don't use them. :) But if someone got a nice effect using oils, why don't give…
Actually, as far as I know, inhaling some essential oils can help you to calm the appetite. But always use it in your lamp with basis oil (3 drops of oil is okay). You can even make baths with essential oil (3 drops of oil on the 2-3 spoons of the sea salt is a good deal). For example:* grapefruit helps with overeating and…
Thank you for the news! I'm waiting for the beginning of sales here, overseas in Russia - and I'm going to buy it when lose some weight as a reward =)