it8txs Member


  • I'm addicted to a local delivery spots honey bbq wings. I will skip meals to have enough calories left in my day to have them. Or just say to hell with it and have them anyway. If I have something I really shouldn't or if there is something in the kitchen that my kids have brought home and I don't want to be tempted. I ask…
  • I love that I can set personal goals - for me its the steps. You really don't realize how little or much you move without some type of tracker. After I met my goals for a week, I increased my steps to push myself.
  • - just got mine a few days ago, trying to figure it all out.
  • I am relatively new here. I do not hive fibromyalgia, but I do have diabetes and RA. I know what it is to feel pain. I would be happy to add you as a friend and help support you on your journey.
    in Fibro and fat Comment by it8txs May 2015
  • I have found (with myself) that kale, broccoli and spinach have helped bring up iron in my blood. Raw or steamed is best. If cutting out carbs reduces your energy try to stick with whole grains and quinoa. You may have to play around with what you like - avoid over processed carbs as much as possible to help you lose the…
  • I'm also new and I know what a struggle it is to lose weight. You are not alone.
  • I also snack at night on flavored popcorn. Personal preference is any type of cheese flavoring. But along with it I drink a large glass of water which helps both fill me up and premeasuring makes certain that I stick to the calories I'm allowed.