Gina848810 Member


  • I was199 when I went in to have my second daughter. 187 when I came home from the hospital. I just relaxed for about a month then decided I better get off my *kitten* and do something. I found bikini body mommy videos on you tube. By counting calories on here and doing her workouts I lost my excess weight in about 3…
  • Add me! Mom of 2 and weight for me has always been a battle. We got this!
  • That's awesome you look so great! I'm 4 months post with my second and just starting to get myself into shape. I hope to be lookin as good as you by Christmas. I also have a plethora of stretch marks. I can deal with those but my mama pooch has got to go ;)
  • I have 2. 4.5 and 4 months (oops lol)... I do my workout every morning when they are both up. Usually up once a night with the baby so it takes me a little bit to get going in the morning. They just hang out on my bed together watching cartoons while I do my work out. Some times lo is ready for a nap halfway through so I…
  • Chocolate is my nemesis lol. Excersize used to be, but I've been dedicated for a month now. The first 2 weeks were so hard I had to force myself to do it, now at 4 weeks I look forward to it. I hate rest days because of how good I feel after working out. I'm excited to be feeling good and looking forward to the future me…
  • I'd love to join if I can. I have 40 lbs to lose. I definitely need to be accountable!