minca1920 Member


  • Hi everyone, I started at 322lbs a few months ago. had the Billo Pancreatic Diversion on the 29th of October ans so far I have lost quite a bit. I struggle with the soft diet and some depression of not having food as a comfort. Looking for friends that is either before, in or done with their journey. Bianca
  • Hi guys! Feel free to add me as well :)
  • Hi everyone, though it is time to revive this post. I have failed yet again in my quest to become healthier. Had a great personal loss and I was soon back where I started and then a few more lbs. I have recently started again and so far lost about 20lbs. I am on a very strict program and it sometimes gets to me, but I had…
  • Thank you all for the words of inspiration and I will keep this bookmarked for every day I feel like this again. You all have given me some advice and know you have touched me in some way. (really trying not to sound too soppy) but thank you. With all the meds and therapy, everyone seems to say eating healty, loose weight…
  • Thank you for the advice and I will have a look at those videos. After my post I decided not to go to bed and spent some time with all my animals (bearded dragons, a turtle, tarantulas and 3 doggies) they do sooth the soul and I feel content at the moment. This condition is tough to fight but I have made small changes the…
  • Hi! Welcome to my world! :) Love, Your Wife
  • Count me in!
  • Hey Frankie! All sounds very farmilliar, year in, year out. I am 32 now so I also feel like "this is it" Feel free to add me, I would like to know how you are doing and how you progress.
  • So very true. I have hid away from life for so long. You guys inspire me!