GmomLinC2 Member


  • Hi Lynne.....I took a peak at your profile and I don't think I live that far from you! I had to laugh when I read some of the things you wrote in your profile....I can really relate. One of my 4 year old grandsons was poking and jiggling my belly and arms the other day! Anyway......mfp is wonderful for keeping track of…
  • Well the sun is not out here today....but my scale's going in the right direction too! Hooray for both of us! You can also add me if you need more friends! :)
  • Hi ladies! I'm 59 and went through menopause at 47. I was lucky because I never had the mood swings/hot flashes etc that many women experience. However, I did get the weight gain. Never had to worry about what I ate when I was younger, but bam! Menopause hits and the weight gain starts...all in my belly, backside and…