JennB1989 Member


  • Thanks. I've seen pictures of bodies with the body fat percentage next to them but it has always been of super cut people and I've never seen the comparison you just posted.
  • I'm 5'4 and 110lbs. I am active at least 60 minutes a day and that isn't including my walk to and from work (ends up being another 30 minutes). I didn't think the scale was right when it said 9.5% but I am pretty low in body fat. The scale says to use athlete mode if you are activate more than 9 hours a week and if your…
  • I started doing just the Chisel continuation and I'm on week 3. I've actually seen more results this time with just doing the Chisel workouts than doing the 60 days of Hammer and Chisel... but my eating has also been a little bit better. I'll probably start the full program again after the 30 days of Chisel. But I really…
  • I'm done :smile: !! I finished on Saturday. My body didn't change much at all but I was in pretty good shape to begin with as well. My downfall was definitely nutrition (Fridays and Saturdays always get the best of me). I'm a big fan of Autumn's workouts so I am continuing with the 30 day Chisel option. Maybe I'll do the…
  • Today was my first day of month 2. I really like the program but I agree with the not seeing the physical results that I had wanted. I'm also at my goal weight but just wanted to get a little tighter and some abs would be nice. I was also working out regularly before this so maybe that is why I'm not seeing great results?…
  • Just going the group now! I started Hammer and Chisel on Jan 4th so today is the start of week 4 for me. I've done a bunch of Beach Body programs (Insanity, Insanity Max, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme and a few T25 workouts too). So far I really like this program (I always need a push when it comes to weight training). I…