SharonLoving50 Member


  • I love paleo and feel so much better when I stick to it. I have Celiac and paleo just makes it easy to eat safely and healthfully. My husband is not interested in paleo but that is okay. He eats what I cook but adds his own SAD foods. I have found the paleo community to be very supportive and interested in food in a…
  • I am interested but it will be June I think - crazy moving house and a dozen weddings right now.
  • You can also buy frozen fruits and vegetables on sale to stretch your proteins and add nutrients. Fresh is wonderful but if you have a crazy schedule like I do, fresh sometimes ends up becoming 'compost' in the fridge which is just wasteful. I was part of an organic CSA for a couple of years (just moved to a new state so…
  • Thanks everyone!
  • I have done South Beach, Atkins and finally fell in love with Paleo -it just made sense. I am not 100% Paleo all the time (who is?) but am working toward it. The occasional chip or french fry has been known to pass my lips and once in a while I will have dairy (ice cream, I never keep it in the house). I feel so much…
  • I just rejoined MFP too - add me! I am ready to make some permanent and healthy changes!
  • I just rejoined MFP and would love to have supportive friends who aren't afraid to give me a kick in the backside once in a while!