tmwebster1 Member


  • I belong here too! I can't get rid of the final 25 pounds because I can't stop eating. I'm even in a food issues group.
  • I completely relate to you, Jenna. I've been trying to lose the same 20 pounds for several years. At 55, and only 5'4" I teeter in the 160-165 range. Five years ago I was topping out at 175-178 and lost down to 150, then stalled. It's not so much the numbers on the scale, but yet it is, because I know as one who struggles…
  • Almost in tears. Frustrated and unmotivated. I know what to do. It doesn't matter how well I start off my day, which is great. But I can never seem to stay within my 1200 calorie goal. I need to drop at least 20 pounds. I struggle with food addiction. I don't eat bad things anymore. Gluten free and stay away from processed…