irishsungirl Member


  • I got stuck this week with the scale not following the math - should have been down, but it went up. Deciding that the bullsh**#! results on the scale can suck it. I was feeling really good in my body and that number just kicked me to the floor. So suck it scale. Going to focus next year on just doing the things that make…
  • Thanks to all the fabulous ladies for the support! Yesterday was much much better and I was even able to turn my little gain from Friday into a tiny loss by doing a huge hike followed by tots of cleaning and organizing. Read an interesting quote about not living by habit, but instead by intention. It really struck me…
  • Yeah, the negative people are no fun. I try to limit any encounters. Generally I just don't respond or walk away. Or maybe we should just have a frank conversation...something like "hi, I know you probably don't mean to, but your negativity is really putting a harsh on my buzz." Or "hi, I'm trying to be really positive…
  • Stayed on track last week - AND got to have pie. What??? Yes, it is possible to have it all. Ok maybe not all, as I didn't eat all of the pie. But still there was pie and it was glorious. Just took a little planning, exercise and paying attention to my body in the moment. Yay! This week my goal is to add in two weight…
  • Yesterday was rough, but really not that bad. Had some low energy and felt weak. I took it as a sign to ease up and did not do my normal hike. But I ate fairly normal and then didn't meet my calorie goal because I didn't exercise. Small sigh of frustration. But then a sweet little miracle - I logged in to MFP and my Fitbit…
  • Oh no! That's terrible. @livingyoung28 I wish you strength to help your family deal with this loss. Thoughts of support and compassion to you and your family.
  • Looks like a lot of good support going on here! Nice, very nice! My week is going to be about staying on track. It's getting real now after 7 days of being on the path and all sorts of distractions and negative thinkings are trying to unhorse me. I won't have it! I'm staying on my horse and we are going to ride out this…
  • Great week for me! Hit my goal of tracking everything and actually feel really great. Amazing how much abuse the body can take and with just a bit of healthy food & exercise it bounces back...even at my age! Loving it. So glad I revived the horse and we are riding!
  • I'm a little late on this one, but I'm in! Great to see that some many others are as well. So this week my commitment will be to log every scrap of food that goes in my mouth - good, bad or ugly. Good luck all yall.
  • Hi! This looks like a great group and I'm excited to join. My name is Leah and I'm a NC fattie working to get fit. Coming up on 45 and dang if it isn't starting to suck...mostly because I can see very clearly that if I don't get my rear in gear and take care of this (this being my body), aging gracefully is not going to…
  • I need this! Name: Leah Age: 44 Height: 5'6 Start Weight (1st December):182 Goal Weight (1st January):177 1st December:181 8th December: 15th December: 22nd December: 29th December: 1st January: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: Struggling to resuscitate the horse…