ladywanderlust Member


  • SW: 167 CW: 156 GW: 140 (Height: 5'7) My story is more one of self-doubt and overcoming that. When I was a kid, I was involved in pretty much every physical activity you could imagine. Gymnastics, ice skating, dance, swimming, etc. I was a very fit little kid. But I was never GOOD at any of these sports. I never seemed to…
  • I've lost around 10 pounds in the past 3 months, according to the scale. I only weigh myself every 3 weeks or so, whenever I visit my nutritionist. I find it comforting, so that I don't obsess about my weight every day and that if the number on the scale is not what I hoped for, we can discuss why. I'm losing at a rate of…
  • I can't wait until I can feel 100% confident wearing shorts and skirts without tights underneath! I have always been self-conscious about my disproportionately fat legs. Even if my legs are not *skinny* per se when I reach my goal weight, I will at least feel confident in knowing that I put in the effort and (hopefully) by…
  • To be honest: because I want to challenge myself and see what I can do. I've been chubby since puberty-- not more than a few pounds overweight, but certainly pudgy (I averaged around 167-170 pounds at 5'7). I've always had a lack of confidence in my appearance, despite having lots of confidence in other aspects of my life.…